A New Deal for Europe to... invest in research & innovation
A New Deal for Europe to... invest in renewable energy
A New Deal for Europe to... invest in infrastructural networks
A New Deal for Europe to... invest in ecological agriculture
A New Deal for Europe to... invest in protection of the environment and cultural heritage
A New Deal for Europe to... finance a European Solidarity Fund to create new jobs for young people
A New Deal for Europe financed by own resources, such as the financial transactions tax (FTT) and the carbon tax --> € 400 bln in 3 years
European citizens demanding ... A New Deal for Europe
Don't you know that they supported New Deal 4 Europe initiative ?

Petition to the European Parliament

We European citizens,

considering that

- European unification has ensured peace for half a century, unprecedented levels of prosperity, consolidation of democracy and has represented a model for the whole planet;

- however, owing to the global financial and economic crisis, people's disaffection towards the European project has grown;

- the gap between citizens and EU institutions depends mainly on the austerity policies without development, without democratic consent and without equity and on the inability of the EU to speak with one voice in the world and to face the dramatic domestic and international security problems;

- the restart of the construction of the European unity needs that consent towards the European project be regained;

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